Take control of your business today!
Most feature-rich Payperhead Sportsbook Software in the business
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Data-driven insights
Only sportsbook to give you tailor-made reports and charts
Customize your book to increase profit
Adjust juice, limits, hide poor-performance markets, and much more
Modern sportsbook and agent platforms
Bet-slip player interface and mobile friendly agent backend.
Payperhead sportsbook that allows you to analyze your players like never before.

- Understand your top and worst players.
- Identify your players top and worst markets, periods, and sports.
- The only payperhead platform that gives you clear insight to take action and increase your profit.

Most feature-rich payperhead sportsbook software in the business.
- Hide lines X hours before kick-off.
- Adjust the juice on your worst-performing sports or leagues.
- Stop offering action, on selected markets, to specific players.

Keep profitable players, get rid of those using helper software
- Easily track the action your book receives.
- Our customer service department is always there to provide suggestions.
- We are the only payperhead software that has your business’ bottom-line in mind.

Most extensive funding methods for all types of agents
- Fund your payperhead usage with ANY TYPE OF CRYPTOCOIN:
- Choose full privacy and anonymity with the 100% untraceable Monero (no other payperhead provider allows you to use this coin).
- Choose value exchange stability with the stable Tether coin (USDT).
- Or choose ease-of-use going with the most commonly used crypto coin: Bitcoin.
- Or keep it simple with the old-school methods: Paypal, Wire transfer, etc